Friday, July 19, 2013

The Duke/Charlie Weekend

Just a fair warning to all of you hoodlums that The Duke and Charlie Pius will be reunited in just over two hours. This, of course, will lead to a lack of posts and comments Friday and Saturday but I am hoping that it should lead to an awesome weekend recap.

So what's on the agenda, you might be asking yourself. Well last night I get a random text from CP simply stating that 'trim is the word of the weekend'. Why yes, CP. Why yes it is. Woke up to one this morning asking if he can take his flask on the plane with him. I think it's clear to see where his head is. He is close to boarding his aeroplane as we speak and I will use this time to enter a similar frame of mind. I could use a beer during lunch, but I have to skip my lunch in order to pick his dumbass up from the airport. So instead I sit here, at work, but not working. Instead I am posting about not being able to post. Instead I am thinking about how I should be thinking tonight. I am a sitting paradox at the moment.

In any event, wish us good luck in the chase this weekend. Hopefully Sunday's recap is filled with fun and debauchery. And, as always, stories before standards. -DSA

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the two of you yokels can discuss the Duke, CP, Hansel fall reunion tour 2013. Make it happen cap'n.
