Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The rare triple negative ladies and gentlemen

People are dumb. I'm not racist I just hate humans in general. The following is a quote and a video link from a multi-millionaire in this country.

"I didn't know nothing about no snow."

Marshawn Lynch isn't smart - per say

Thursday, October 24, 2013


There are not many things in this world that we can rely on. Death, taxes and masturbation are the only things that we know are in our future. This blog is the one place within the interwebs that I know I can go to and get away from my 2-year old daughter and Siamese hooker girlfriend. I have not been posting as much as I should and for that I apologize. I was sad to see that my pathetic last post was the most recent article available for the millions of loyal fans that this blog has. I ask us all to come back together, reset our batteries and bust a collective nut all over the world wide web. I will have my AOL messenger on all weekend if anyone needs me @kooldude69. Just type in you’re a/s/l and I will ping you back as soon as I can.

Together we will be together!