Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday stuff

Hello blog nation (otherwise known as the 3 other people that actually read this). So as Duke reminded us, yesterday was in fact Friday, and since Uncle Hansel has a bit of a drinking problem, he hit the town last night with all intentions of getting hammed up. Well it was certainly a success, and I managed to get myself Rebecca Blacked out last night so needless to say I've been pretty useless today. I managed to make it to my bed last night before I passed out on top of my comforter, so that was a relative win for me. I don't think I even came close to accomplishing my goal of drinking all of the beers in town, but damnit I tried, and that's the best you can do sometimes. Anyways, today's biggest accomplishments have been locating my pants, boiling pasta, and making a cup of coffee. AKA I'm really killing it considering I feel like a bag of mashed up buttsacks. Of course I don't regret it one bit, because there was plenty to celebrate and like Rebecca says, you gotta get down on Friday. Some people like to "sweat out" their hangovers by getting a workout in, but I'm way too old school for that new age hip stuff. My hangovers are a pleasant reminder that alcohol is poison and I should be thankful for even being alive, let alone in good enough shape to boil some rigatoni. So, I'm going to be a man and lay on the couch all day and meet this thing head on. That's the American thing to do after all, #amiright? How do you deal with your hangovers, blogging buddies? This should make for an interesting discussion between 4 like minds. Can't wait to hear all about it. I hope your Saturdays are as awesome and rocking as mine, and here's to making Sunday as useless as today.



  1. My hangovers come in different flavors; each one handled differently. On a hungover scale of 1-10 the first kind ranges from about 1-4. This isn't so much a hangover as much as it is a simple reminder that I had some drinks last night. Head is slightly foggy but I am able to perform all daily functions with the same lethargy and nonchalance as I would sober. The next class, about 5-7, are the true hangovers. These are the 'eat all the greasy food and drink 58 Gatorades in hopes that this will do anything' hangovers. These usually don't hit me until about 2pm the next day. The likely cause of this is the face that I drank so damn much, I was drunk until 2pm. I have found that if you can make it to the gym and sweat it out, maybe hit the steam room, you will feel muuuuuuch better. However, getting there is a battle on it's own. I find it much easier to sit on the couch and drink another beer to get back to 'normal'. Alcoholic? Sure. Hungover? Not anymore. Finally, we have our 8-10 hangovers. These are the close the blinds, turn on the fan and AC to about 8 degrees, lay in bed and pray that tomorrow comes. There is no easy way of kicking these hangovers. This is life's way of reminding you that there are consequences to your actions and now you must pay. Hangovers...what can you do?

    Supposedly, drinking some Pedialyte before heading to bed will help minimize or mitigate the hangover. I've never tried to confirm this, but I suppose when Charlie Pius and I convene this weekend we should test this theory. We're basically scientists so deal with it.

    With that said, I'm gonna go nurse this hangover. Apparently Jager sends you into the abyss 60% of the time, everytime. -DSA

  2. I notch up to deal with hangovers.

  3. I do other drugs to suppress the bad hangover from the other drugs.
